Julian Long - Recycled Papers

Julian Long

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Julian Long, industry veteran and National Key Accounts Manager of Arjowiggins Graphic.

Julian passed away on 5th November aged 65 years old.  He will be very much missed by loved ones, friends  and colleagues. 

We would like to acknowledge Julian’s significant contribution to the industry and to Arjowiggins Graphic.  In 1988 Julian joined Performance papers as Customer Services Team Manager. In 1990, when Performance papers merged with Wiggins Teape to form Arjowiggins, Julian became Senior UK Sales Manager.  When Arjowiggins Graphic launched in 2009, Julian became National Key Accounts Manager selling uncoated and coated recycled papers to Elliott Baxter and the Aims Group as well as managing the Arjowiggins Graphic speciality products.  He has contributed significantly to the UK industry, latterly acting  as UK spokesperson for Arjowiggins Graphic, where he contributed on a wide range of industry topics.

 A tribute website has been created for Julian for anyone who would like to post a message of dedication julian.long.muchloved.com