Print, Design & Marketing Awards - Recycled Papers

Leycol and Pureprint recognised for environmental commitments

Companies take home the Recycled Paper and Environmental awards at Print, Design & Marketing Awards

Leycol and Pureprint have both been recognised for their commitment to the environment at this year’s Print, Design & Marketing Awards. Both companies worked in partnership with Arjowiggins Graphic and chose to use a variation of papers from the Cyclus and Cocoon ranges for their respective projects.

Leycol was named winner of the Recycled category for its work on the Passoni catalogue – a catalogue that was designed and printed for Passoni to promote the rebrand of its racing bikes. Leycol used Arjowiggins Graphic’s high quality recycled CyclusOffset paper to illustrate the sleekness of the bicycle’s designs, and played an important role in the overall design of this Passoni catalogue.

Richard Davey, Sales Director, Leycol, who has been working with Cyclus paper for over 20 years, explains:

“CyclusOffset was a perfect fit for Passoni – there’s crossover in that the bikes are hand crafted products and we were working with a paper that feels handcrafted, unique and different to low-grade silk material. For an uncoated material it prints extremely well, which allowed us to retain the bright colour quality of the photographs. We’re thrilled to have been recognised with this award for our commitment to the environment through printing on recycled, which we always encourage to do where possible.”

Another winner on the day was Pureprint, which took home the Environmental category award for the best-printed piece produced to high environmental standard across its entire lifecycle. Pureprint worked with Arjowiggins Graphic and the renowned sustainability author Jonathan Porritt to print his book The World We Made; Alex McKay’s Story from 2050 – a book written from the future in 2050, looking back to today and how to make a better world for all those who come after us.

The highly sought after book was printed on a combination of high quality 100 percent recycled papers  – Cocoon Offset, Cocoon Silk, Cyclus Offset and Cyclus Print, leaving a carbon footprint of just 1.8kg CO2 emissions per book, compared to 4kg of CO2 emissions for an average book.

Richard Owers, Marketing Director, Pureprint Group comments:

“Sustainability lies at the heart of our business so it was an honour to print The World We Made – which, we find a dynamic and aspirational story with a view to encouraging people to think very differently about sustainability. Therefore, it is an honour for this printing work to be recognised and hopefully encourage more and more books to printed on recycled paper in the future.”