WWF Climate Savers - Recycled Papers

Arjowiggins Graphic joins WWF International Climate Savers program

Arjowiggins Graphic is very proud to announce that it has just joined the ambitious WWF International Climate Savers program.

Arjowiggins Graphic joins the list of worldwide companies such as Cola, Volvo, Sony or Nike signed up to the Climate Savers program. Created more than 10 years ago it mobilizes these leading multinational companies to cut their CO2 emissions to the maximum and lead on the issue of climate change. They have demonstrated that it’s possible to reduce carbon footprint while growing the business and shareholder value.

Companies integrated in the Climate Savers Program agree to reduce their CO2 emissions in accordance with an individual reduction target defined by WWF, the company and independent technical experts.

The agreed goal is set to be more ambitious than the company initial plan, which should position the company to lead its industry in the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Arjowiggins Graphic’s Climate Savers commitment is to reduce its greenhouse gas absolute emissions of 23% between 2007 and 2014, with a sub-target of 10% reduction for each ton of paper produced.

The independent technical experts from Ecofys will monitor the progress on a yearly basis and oversee that Arjowiggins Graphic complies with its targets.

According to Bruce Haase, Head Climate and Business Engagement:

“WWF International works with best-in-class companies in order to effect change throughout the entire sector by pushing sector leaders to take on ever more ambitious CO2 reduction targets. The Arjowiggins Graphic agreement is an opportunity to demonstrate that low carbon solutions exist even within sectors that are generally considered difficult.”

Agnès Roger, CEO of Arjowiggins Graphic says:

“We are focusing on being exemplary in the management of our environmental impact. Energy efficiency management and greenhouse gas emission reductions are fundamental to our future and fully part of our Company strategy.

We see the integration into Climate Savers program as a very good opportunity to  leverage experience and knowledge with the best in class worldwide companies truly engaged in a low carbon economy.“