Arjowiggins Transport Policy - Recycled Papers

Less transport

The movement of goods and people is vital to the free trade system in which we live. With transport methods that allow us to manufacture goods in China, purchase them in Europe and recycle them in Brazil, geographical distance is no longer an obstacle, but the environmental and financial costs have become especially high.

The Arjowiggins Graphic transport policy is eco-responsible, optimising logistics and taking environmental issues into account: i.e. minimizing distances between raw material, mills and customers in Europe, encouraging eco-driving to decrease fuel consumption, shifting volumes to rail and sea transport wherever possible.

Waste paper is collected from waste recycling points both in France and the UK, (in the region of 20% of its waste paper is collected from the UK, thus helping to reduce UK landfill) and carries out its industrial recycling within close proximity of its mills, in order to cut down on transport-related carbon emissions. This allows 50% of Greenfield mills output to be used within 100-km-wide vicinity. Downstream, 95% of our customers are based in Western Europe.

By reducing distances travelled, Arjowiggins Graphic has succeeded in reducing its carbon emissions: transport is now responsible for only 14% of the emissions. This is the result of an active policy of regrouping site.

A European decree applicable from 1st January 2013 increased the maximum load of lorries up from 40 to 44 tonnes. This measure was immediately applied by Arjowiggins Graphic. The advantage is two-fold – there is clearly a financial benefit - but also in environmental terms, because transport represents 15% of the carbon footprint of our products.
Arjowiggins Graphic, 2013 CSR Report