’52 Weeks to Change Your World’ by Allan Shepherd and Caroline Oakley. - Recycled Papers

52 Weeks to Change Your World

Arjowiggins Graphic are running a competition on Twitter where you get the chance to win one of 30 copies of ’52 Weeks to Change Your World’ by Allan Shepherd and Caroline Oakley. All you need to do is retweet one of our #52weeks tweets to be in with a chance.

This innovative little book takes you week-by-week through a whole year of good things: for you, your family and the environment. 52 Weeks to Change Your World gives us a programme of achievable targets that will help us reduce our impact on the environment and the causes of global climate change.

The book was co-written by Allan Shepherd and Caroline Oakley of the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT). CAT promotes sustainable, whole and ecologically sound technologies and ways of life.

The book is a great motivator if you are uncertain about the ‘green issues’ that we are faced with day to day. The book takes you through 52 individual steps including presidential power, organic chocolate, walks in the woods, blissful bath times and fun getting fit.

Here at Arjowiggins Graphic, we love “Green positivity” and are keen to help spread the books positive messages. But don’t just take it from us, there’s lots of other fans of the book including:

  • The Ecologist – ‘From tree planting to changing your energy supplier, a series of once weekly initiatives to improve your life and reduce your environmental impact.’
  • The Spark – ‘Recommended – a pocket-sized antidote to environmental disaster despair.’
  • Centre for Alternative Technology – ‘52 Weeks to Change Your World is a positive, pocket-sized book that takes you week-by-week through a whole year of good things: for you, your family and the environment.’
  • Sunshine Solar – ‘One of the best things about us humans is that we’re endlessly innovative is there’s a problem we can find a way to fix it, Whether you’re an armchair campaigner or a dedicated doer, ambitious action man or domestic goddess, 52 Weeks has got something you can do to make a difference.’

Co-authors, Allan Shepherd and Caroline Oakley commented:

“We’ve produced a positive book that gives people a programme of achievable targets to do something about global climate change. People usually think of sacrifice when they think of doing things for the environment, but all the ideas in 52 Weeks to Change your World will make our day-to-day lives better.”

The competition

Arjowiggins Graphic will be posting free copies of the book to people who re-tweet the #52weeks messages on Twitter. Messages will run from 30th January – 10th February 2012 inclusive on the @Arjowiggins Twitter account.

Terms and Conditions

  • Re-tweets must be of the original @Arjowiggins graphic twitter account tweets to qualify
  • Books are free – provided by Arjowiggins Graphic – only 30 available
  • Postage to the UK only
  • Competition runs 30th January – 10th February 2012 inclusive.
  • Tweets and competition are in reference to the book ’52 weeks to change your world’ by Allan Shepherd and Caroline Oakley
  • Arjowiggins Graphic reserves the right to not send a book in every circumstance
  • All quotes are based on the book and do not represent Arjowiggins Graphic