Cyclus natural recycled paper campaign benefits national charities - Recycled Papers

Cyclus campaign winners donate their winnings to national charities

Arjowiggins Graphic awards 2,500kg of recycled paper to five of the UK winners as part of a campaign to help secure clean drinking water in Africa.

Arjowiggins Graphic has revealed the five UK winners of the latest Cyclus campaign, which encouraged people to share their environmental attitudes on recycled paper and donate the winning paper to a charity of their choice. The five winners are Calverts, Friends of Meonstoke School, Jubilee Sailing Trust, University College London and YMCA Fairthorne Manor.

These organisations and schools submitted the five most creative environmental attitudes, which were uploaded onto a designated Facebook group, and have each been awarded 500kg of Cyclus 100% recycled paper. All of this is part of the campaign, which supported the provision of clean drinking water for 3,000 people in the village of Dafra, Burkina Faso, Africa in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages, France.

Facebook users were encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings to illustrate that attitudes can play a central role in supporting the environment. The campaign was supported by Antalis, a distributor for Cyclus in the UK, with the winners being chosen by SOS Children’s Villages, France.

Angela De Vorchik, Operational Marketing Manager, Arjowiggins Graphic,

“We wanted to show that environmental attitudes can really make a difference in the world and were impressed by all the entries we received. The originality in some of the ideas was inspiring. We’re pleased we could help these organisations in their charitable efforts through donating the Cyclus paper, but also showcase the need for people to use paper that demonstrates the right attitude to the environment.”

 Case study – Calverts supports Children Poverty Action Group

One of the five winners was Calverts, a cooperative and a social enterprise printing company, which donated the half a tonne of Cyclus paper it won to Children Poverty Action Group (CPAG).

Calverts’ winning ‘attitude’ was a poster, which aims to highlight the fact that electronic communications do in fact have an impact on the environment.

CPAG, which has worked closely with Calverts for several decades, used the donated paper to produce both the March issue of its Welfare Rights Bulletin, an update for people working in welfare, and its Poverty magazine. The Welfare Rights Bulletin used a mixture of 90gsm/170gsm Cyclus Print and Poverty magazine used 115gsm/140gsm Cyclus Offset.

Sion Whellens, Client Services Director, Calverts commented:

“Thinking of how we would use half a tonne of Cyclus paper to best effect, we thought of one campaign in particular – one we’ve worked with for more than 35 years. We know that Welfare Rights Bulletin and Poverty magazine, which CPAG publish quarterly and three times a year respectively, are a vital part of their fundraising efforts, keeping supporters and welfare workers up-to-date with analysis and news. We wanted to do something that could help keep costs down, and saw this as a great way to celebrate our long relationship with the charity.”

Alison Key, Senior Editor, CPAG, added:

“In addition to the cost saving benefits in being given this paper, we’re proud that we’re able to publish our magazine and bulletin on recycled paper without sacrificing either print quality or our environmental commitments.”