Marketing campaign showcases environmental savings - Recycled Papers

New marketing campaign showcases environmental savings

Arjowiggins Graphic, a leading manufacturer of innovative environmental paper solutions, has launched its “It feels good” wheel, which allows printers, designers and businesses to easily understand the savings that they can make by printing on recycled papers.

The wheel is an extension of the “It feels good” campaign that was launched last October. The campaign successfully communicates the positive impacts that using recycled papers has on businesses and their brands. The wheel continues in that vein and explains the savings that business can make by choosing to print on papers from Arjowiggins Graphic.

The wheel, which is approximately C5 in size, focuses on Arjowiggins Graphic’s Environmental Benefits Statements, which demonstrate – in a clear visual manner – the tangible, positive effects of using post consumer recycled paper rather than non-recycled. When the wheel is turned different examples of environmental savings are highlighted. The wheel focuses on the Cocoon and Cyclus brands – available through merchant Antalis McNaughton – and demonstrates the savings made when printing pieces of direct mail, a brochure and an annual report.

Shannan Hodgson, Corporate Affairs Manager at Arjowiggins Graphic explains:

“This handy tool helps our customers to quickly understand the savings that they could make by choosing to print on recycled papers. Not only that but it furthers the messaging from the ‘it feels good’ campaign, which highlights the wider positive effects on a business that printing on recycled papers can have.

“A great way that businesses can increase the impact of their decision to print on recycled papers is by including and showing the environmental savings in their materials. The EBS can be tailored to individual print jobs and really showcase the commitments made by businesses that choose to print on recycled papers.

For example by printing 8,226 EBS Wheel mailers on Cocoon Offset 100% recycled paper the environmental impact was reduced by:

  • 761kg of landfill
  • 14,908 litres of water
  • 1,404 kWh of electricity
  • 142kg of C02 and greenhouse gases
  • 1,237kg of wood.

More than 8,000 wheels have been produced and they will be distributed to printers, corporations and designers. The wheels will be distributed exclusively through Antalis.