Arjowiggins Graphic environment research - Recycled Papers

Printers and Designers Reveal Business Challenges

Research from Arjowiggins Graphic, a leading manufacturer of innovative environmental paper solutions, indicates that despite the economy (67%) remaining the main issue impacting UK printers and designers, over a third (37%) stated that the environment is currently the biggest challenge facing the business.

The research, conducted with over 100 printers and designers, further indicates that the greatest environmental challenge facing the business over the next 2-3 years is in responding to client demands (31%) – followed by finding ways to appropriately communicate their environmental practices (25%).  While the demand from customers is clear, this shows a degree of progress, with over 40% stating in 2011 that the biggest challenge was in knowing what to do next when it comes to operating sustainably.

Keen to meet this target, two-thirds (76%) of respondents stated that using recycled papers was either very important or important to their organisation, with over half stating that they currently use recycled paper.  A further 90% said that the environmental credentials of their paper manufacturer are also important.  With recycled paper providing printers and designers with a stepping-stone for meeting sustainability goals, 47% of respondents indicated an intention to move to using recycled paper in the next 2-3 years.

Angela De Vorchik, Operational Marketing Manager, Arjowiggins Graphic said:

“Ensuring that your business is operating sustainably is important, as environmental credentials are a growing consideration for customers, just as respondents’ concerns about client demands shows.  A simple way to incorporate sustainable practices into the fabric of the operation is in choosing recycled papers.  Not only does this reduce the company’s carbon emissions and waste to landfill, but provides a really simple way to communicate the organisation’s commitment to the environment.”