Recycled Paper Benefits - Recycled Papers

The Arjowiggins Graphic Environmental Benefit Statement

By using recycled, instead of virgin-fibre paper organisations can make a positive impact on the environment. However, it has not always been possible to quantify this impact. Using recycled paper has many benefits, including but not limited to:

  • Reduction in CO2 emissions
  • Reduction in paper waste to Landfill
  • Reduction in Water usage
  • Reduction in Energy consumption
  • Reduction in Wood usage

And it’s often said that when it comes to green issues it’s the small things that make the biggest difference. Trouble is, those small contributions often go unnoticed and don’t get the credit they deserve.

That’s why we’ve introduced our Environmental Benefit Statement – so it’s clear to everyone that choosing to print on recycled paper has made a real and measurable impact.

For not only can we calculate the precise environmental benefit of any job you print on recycled paper, we’ll also supply hi-res artwork so you can show exactly how much you have reduced your environmental impact by on your final print run. 

And it doesn’t have to stop there, we can work together with your printer to calculate a running total or yearly benefit statement – it’s up to you how you would like it and how you want to show it.

We keep a running total of the reduction in environmental impact that our recycled papers have made since January 2010, and here it is:

Since January 2010, by using Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers in the UK the environmental impact was reduced by*:

It may seem like a small thing, but if we all use it, it’ll soon add up to something big. We’re keeping a running total of the difference it has made so far, click here to see the latest totals.

We have been tweeting the updates on the @arjowiggins Twitter account, here are some of our tweets:

  • Since January 2010 by using Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers in the UK the environmental impact was reduced by 130,096,431 kg of landfill
  • An interesting fact on yesterdays landfill; it is the equivalent to all of the hospitality waste in Scotland for one year
  • Since January 2010 by using Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers the UK the environmental impact was reduced by 2,683,651,500 litres of water
  • Just to put that figure in perspective, that’s more water than is present in the London Aquarium!
  • It also works out as 76,675,757 five minute showers!
  • Since January 2010 by using Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers the UK the environmental impact was reduced by 362,045,565 kWh of energy
  • To put the energy statistic in context; that amount of energy would power 100 standard lightbulbs continuously for 16,521 years!
  • That figure rises to 91,783 years if we used 100 energy saving lightbulbs!
  • Since January 2010 by using Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers the UK the environmental impact was reduced by 33,600,684kg of CO2!
  • That amount of CO2 would fill 6841 Olympic Swimming pools to the brim… not much fun to swim in though!
  • …. CO2 volumes calculated using Avagado’s Hypothesis!
  • Since January 2010 by using Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers the UK the environmental impact was reduced by 211,406,700 kg wood!
  • Since January 2010 by using Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers the UK the environmental impact was reduced by 240,004,886km travel (car)
  • That is – equivalent travel in an average european car!
  • That distance is the equivalent to driving from Land’s End to John o’ Groats and back 85,316 times!