Arjowiggins Graphic Video on being green - Recycled Papers

Cheeky Video Highlights Benefits of Recycled Paper

Arjowiggins Graphic, a leading manufacturer of innovative environmental paper solutions, today launches a new video that demonstrates the feel-good factor in using recycled papers, with a comic twist.

The video, set in an office environment, exhibits the little things a person can do in their everyday life to lead a greener lifestyle, from cycling to work, to recycling paper and even a cheeky good deed for a colleague. The video illustrates the positive outcomes of being green in a humorous way and hopes to encourage viewers to do their bit to reduce their environmental impact.



The video follows on from Arjowiggins Graphic’s ‘It Feels Good Campaign’, which focuses on the wider benefits that choosing to be sustainable can have on your business.

Shannan Hodgson, Corporate Affairs Manager at Arjowiggins Graphic explains the idea behind the video:

“Our new video highlights the little things we can all do to help the environment – and sometimes our colleagues – such as using recycled paper. Although they may seem like small gestures they all add up and we should celebrate that.

“Making the effort to be sustainable often has a number of effects that are not widely known, for example, did you know that on average ten more jobs are required to recycle an item of waste rather than send it to landfill. This video reinforces that message by using humour to show that it is not always the obvious things that you do that have a positive affect.”

One small change that businesses can make is choosing recycled papers. Arjowiggins Graphic has made it easy for companies to show their environmental savings through its Environmental Benefit Statement. The Environmental Benefit Statement (EBS) is a bespoke calculation for an individual print job that explains how much

  • landfill,
  • water,
  • electricity,
  • wood
  • and greenhouse gases

are saved by choosing recycled papers over virgin fibre papers.