It feeld good to use recycled papers - Recycled Papers

It feels good to start the revolution

Leading brand identity and communications design agency; Blast, created an emotive, feel-good marketing campaign for Arjowiggins Graphic to promote the benefits of recycled papers to businesses.

The campaign concept uses the strapline ‘It feels good’ to project a series of positive truisms which also relate to using recycled paper.

‘It feels good to do the right thing’

The campaign assumes that everybody knows that using recycled paper is good for the environment but aims to clarify some of the misconceptions about it’s impact by providing the latest facts about

  • energy savings
  • landfill reduction
  • reducing CO2.

‘It feels good to keep a promise’

The benefits for businesses go further than the environmental benefits and the campaign highlights how using recycled paper can help a company deliver on its CSR policy. It is also a great way for brands to show that they are upholding their values and brand promises to their customers.

‘It feels good to be in the know’

The campaign consists of three printed mailers each carrying series of a different messages. The first aims to inform readers about the benefits of using recycled paper. The second encourages recipients to show the difference they have made to the environment – by using tools such as the Arjowiggins Graphic Environmental Benefit Statement (EBS) – and comes with two ‘it feels good’ badges for recipients to wear and share. The third, a booklet wrapped in a folded poster, provides key facts and helpful links to inform and educate about creating sustainable marketing and how to reduce unnecessary waste.

‘It feels good to share’

An eMarkeing campaign supports the direct mail and encourages recipients to share the campaign and spread the word to interested and influential colleagues across social media networks.

The campaign was printed by Pureprint Group – first CarbonNeutral® printer in the world – on a combination of Arjowiggins Graphic recycled papers and delivered to 2,300 recipients throughout the UK.

Colin Gifford, design director at Blast explains

“This is an issue which is close to our hearts so we wanted to create a campaign, a movement, that worked on an emotional level – instead of purely relaying benefits and facts. ‘It feels good’ projects positive vibes and encourages people to share the campaign – whilst giving us he platform to communicate a number of messages. The things we have produced provide the materials to spread the campaign message – electronically through social media networks and physically through posters and badges for people to ‘show their colours’. Ultimately we wanted to motivate as many people as possible to use recycled paper – because it feels good to do the right thing’

Shannan Hodgson, Corporate Affairs Manager at Arjowiggins Graphic explains:

“Our research into the use of recycled paper demonstrated a lack of understanding amongst UK corporations about the potential benefits of choosing environmentally friendly paper. We wanted this campaign to demonstrate how companies can become more sustainable through the use of recycled paper and how they can use recycled paper to communicate key messages about their brand values.”