The Environmental Benefit Statement (EBS) - Recycled Papers

The designer label that doesn’t cost the earth

It’s often said that when it comes to green issues it’s the small things that make the biggest difference. Trouble is, those small contributions often go unnoticed and don’t get the credit they deserve.

Introducing the Environmental Benefit Statement from Arjowiggins Graphic. Its a way of showing exactly how much you have reduced your environmental impact by on your print jobs.

The reductions are measured in tangible units such as litres of water, kg of landfill and km of travel in a car. The Environmental Benefit Statement (EBS) makes it clear to everyone that choosing to print on recycled paper makes a real and measurable impact.

To find out more about the EBS, including how to get your own for your next print job, click here, to go to the Environmental Benefit Statement page.